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J.K Crum

John Crum's painting style has been dubbed En Brain Aire -- images created totally out of the artist's imagination.  A reviewer once wrote "John's whimsical approach to life uses boats as his metaphor as he takes the viewer on an emotional and often whimsical journey.  With this series, Sailing Among the Clouds, he explores a humorous and surreal approach to express emotions."

John received his classical art training at the prestigious Ringling School of Arts and Design in Sarasota, Florida.  After graduating in 1973, he enjoyed a successful career as a graphic designer, illustrator and book designer.  He later became an art director for several educational book and magazine publishers.


In 2001, John and his family moved from from the north coast town of Bay Village in Ohio to Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, where he continues to pursue his painting fulltime.  His murals and original paintings are displayed in regional galleries and private individual and corporate collections throughout the United States, Canada, Australia and South Africa. 

"My art reflects on emotions and issues in a whimsical way, capturing the magic of the world.  I consider a painting successful when it makes the viewer pause, take a closer look, and then smile."

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