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Eva Magill-Oliver

Eva Magill-Oliver creates delicate, meditative collages and drawings that reflect and explore different elements of the natural world.  Her main subject matter is drawn from abstractions and patterns found in nature and organic environments.  Presently, her work explores the theme of transition.

"These landscapes are representations of my current transitional state after returning to the United States following several years of living in Paris, France.  It is an undefined and temporary time in which I feel suspended between two countries, cultures and languages."


Eva's mediums of choice are pencil, pen and ink, and cut paper on paper.  The variance in materials adds a textural interest that she uses to mimic those found in the environment. The pieces include drawings of hers that have been cut and reassembled in a collage style.  "I enjoy the control and delicacy of drawing and the simple, strong lines achieved with ink.  Collage offers an element of controlled design and facilitates the piecing together of ideas to form an entirely new vision."


Each piece draws from personal photographs and memories of Boulogne-Billancourt, France, and the Southern United States.  Elements of both cultures have changed and shaped Eva personally and will continue to be explored and reflected in her art.

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